Treadmills and dancing!
Wonder how many takes these guys had....
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
Treadmills and dancing!
Wonder how many takes these guys had....
Posted by
Jimmy P
3:58 PM
One of the reasons for this blog is to give the youth we teach a place to recap the lesson and ask questions or give comments. So, every Sunday afternoon - we will post a "lesson recap". All lessons are crafted around one principal, value, or statment that we emphasize. Every lesson also comes with a something you can do. Feel free to read and comment on these even if you are not part of the youth group.
Below is the first recap: (Luke 3:2-14)
>"Turn from your sins, and turn to God, because the kingdom of heaven is near". Not a very popular saying huh? Who wants to have someone tell them how they should act? Who wants to hear that the way they are living is wrong? Not me. Not most people. Everytime I hear that type of teaching, it reminds me of those "fire and brimstone" small country church preachers who change their voices when they get up on the potium. You know the ole.."GOD SHALL BRING JUDGEMENT UPON THEE WITH FIRE AND GNASHING OF TEETH" type stuff. Man did I ever tune that out.
Can't we just have the part about Jesus forgives? Can't I live how I want to live and pull the Jesus card out when I get into trouble or am ready to go to heaven? I mean there is fun in living this way and all this statement does is take the "living out of life" - right? Why should I "turn"? Good questions. I think we can find some answers in this passage.
Starting in verse 8 John says, "Prove by the way you live that you have really turned to from your sins and turned to God. Don't just say, 'We're safe - we're the descendants of Abraham.' That proves nothing." In other words, there may not be safety in living in outright rebellion to God - no matter how much you go to church, know your Bible history, or perform your churchy rituals. (It is interesting to note that John is speaking to church people here)
We discussed two types of danger we can find ourselves in by living this way.
1) The obvious danger sin can bring. Things like addiction, guilt, shame, etc.
2) The eternal danger we don't think about. If I have this "can't I live how I want to live" attitude, then do I really know Jesus and does he have my back? Now, don't get mad, it's a serious question to consider.
So, what should we do? Those who heard this message firsthand had the same question. (See verses 11-14) John's answers were applicable to the people who asked him. To the corrupt tax collector, he said be honest. To the crooked soldier, he said stop extorting. So our answers should be applicable to us.
What are we into that we shouldn't be? Cheating on tests? Drugs? Gossip? Sexual sins? We focused on 5 things to turn from that we could possibly get into at this stage in life and discussed what to turn to.
- Physical pleasure (sex, drugs, drunkeness) turn to purity.
- Lying, cheating, stealing turn to honesty.
- Gossip or judging others turn to celebration (public encouragement).
- Disobeying authorities (parents, teachers) turn submission.
- Selfishness turn to serving others.
Next we handed out this simple prayer on a card to help:
Lord, please help me turn. I love you more than I love (cheating) I don't want to compromise my character for (this one cheat)
Finally, why? Why should I consider turning or changing my ways?
There really is a good reason that makes this principal not so hard to enjoy. "Turn from your sins, and turn to God, because the kingdom of heaven is near". Yes, the kingdom of heaven is near. Things like peace, joy, forgiveness, love, acceptance, purity, kindness, honesty, wholeness, and purpose are all near. These are the things we are all trying to obtain anyway. With this principal, God is trying to tell us is that we are going about it the wrong way. Just a little turn is all we need to find out what the "living" in life is really like.
As C.S. Lewis stated, "We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."
So, that's your recap and your one principal: "Turn from your sins, and turn to God because the kingdom of heaven is near."
Posted by
Jimmy P
2:01 PM
Here are some 4D photos of our little girl... Looks like her daddy if you ask me.
We have about 30 days or so before she is due, but she can come anytime now. I know Lauran is ready!
If we could ask for anything right now, it would be for you to say a quick prayer that all will go well with her, the mom, and even the dad!
Posted by
Jimmy P
11:50 AM
We had a wonderful Christmas this year, and the best part about it was....ALL THE STUFF I GOT!!! : ) Just Kidding!
We loved the family time we got with everyone! I think the winners from Christmas were Chase and Elizabeth Anne. Elizabeth Anne got new clothes, a music box, a toy chest, books, and a chest of drawers!
And Chase wants to thank Santa for his new bone.
Posted by
Jimmy P
11:36 AM
Why Bama is a good place to coach:
1) Exposure - National attention
2) Millions of dollars
3) Talent willing to come
4) Huge fan base - who will love you if you win
5) One of a few places where you can win the National Championship
I still think Saban's the man. We will see in a about a week as I hear we are about to make him an offer soon to be the highest paid coach in college football.
Posted by
Jimmy P
11:03 AM
First blog, first post...
Just thought we needed a blog - to connect.
Posted by
Jimmy P
5:51 PM