Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tummy Time

Tummy time is good for babies. Spending time on their tummy forces them to push up on their arms, lift their heads off the ground, learn to roll over, and basically work and strengthen muscles that will benefit them in the long run.

Elizabeth Anne DESPISES tummy time.

She gets angry. She fusses. She cries. She gets so worked up over it that her face gets red. She HATES tummy time.

But she needs it. Even though she doesn't like it at the time, she needs it. Tummy time makes her stronger, which will help her later down the road.

We put her in tummy time and sit right next to her while she struggles. We watch over her and allow her to go through it. Then we pick her up when she has had just the right amount and can't take it anymore.

Tummy time reminds me of God working on me.

I HATE it when God gives me "tummy time." I fuss, I get worked up, I don't like the struggles he is putting me through. But God knows I need it because down the road it will help me. And he is right there watching me go through it and at just the right time, he picks me up when I can't take anymore.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Daddy does my outfit!

Yesterday, Lauran wanted me to take Elizabeth Anne to the studio where she teaches. She wanted to show off Elizabeth Anne to everyone.

My job was to show up with the baby, that's it. However, I figured since we were showing her off, I would dress her up.

I put her in a light pink shirt that said "Daddy does my hair", and bright pink pants with a bunny rabbit on her tush. Pretty impressive huh? Well, I thought so...

All the mothers gave Lauran a look and said...."Daddy did her outfit too didn't he?"

Lauran just shook her head.