38 Days til kickoff!
If you didn't already know, Bama starts practice August 3rd!
Just to remind you of the history,
Click here
We will get another one within 4 years. Remember - it was posted here first!
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
If you didn't already know, Bama starts practice August 3rd!
Just to remind you of the history,
Click here
We will get another one within 4 years. Remember - it was posted here first!
Posted by
Jimmy P
4:03 PM
Elizabeth Anne's personality is starting to show. For instance...
It looks as if she may like to cook.
Is showing an affinity for a certain college.
Is definitely a dog lover.
A sound sleeper.
And has aspirations of being either a hairdresser, electrician, or possibly a mad scientist.
Posted by
Jimmy P
6:44 PM
Today's lesson was from John 13:1-17
Jesus is sitting in a room with his closest friends. One who is about to betray him, another who will act like he doesn't know him, and many others who will run away when He is captured. Jesus knows they are about to do this. He has them right where he wants them. And what he does next is amazing.
He gets up from the table, wraps a towel around his waist, pours water into a basin, and washes their feet.
Now, is that how we treat people who are about to deny us, betray us, and abandon us? Be truthful - we don't even think about it.
Serving strangers - easy. Serving friends - not so hard. But serving people who have or will hurt you? No chance - can't do it.
But this is the example and command Jesus gives us. It is a way to demonstrate the full extent of God's love. It is the path to blessing! (verses 1, 15, & 17)
Serving "enemies" is one of the hardest challenges to face as a follower of Christ. But there is no better way to deal with anger than to serve the person who made you angry. The cure for anger is serving.
The application for this week is to think about someone who has made you angry. Pray for them. Then think of someway you can serve them - and do it.
What an amazing way to demonstrate God's love, and cure any anger you are storing up. "That is the path of blessing"!
Posted by
Jimmy P
4:17 PM