More Cowbell...
I got a fever.....and the only cure for it is more cowbell....
One of my favorite SNL skits!
So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18
I got a fever.....and the only cure for it is more cowbell....
One of my favorite SNL skits!
Posted by
Jimmy P
10:04 AM
So, I'm reading my Bible this morning in Luke 5:27-32 where Jesus goes to a party held in his honor. Evidently the guys throwing the party weren't all that reputable. In fact, this is what the church "leaders" said, "Why do you eat and drink with such scum?" Jesus, then explained to them that he is simply spending time with "sick people who need a doctor", and doesn't really care to waste time with "people who think they are already good enough."
I thought about this for a while. What type of person does the church call "scum" these days? The poor, the homeless, the addicts? How about those with alternative lifestyles? How about those who party a little more than we are comfortable with?
Have we created a bubble around ourselves so we only have to spend time with people who are just like us?
The cool thing about Jesus, is that he doesn't see people like we do. He doesn't see the consistent churchgoer any different than the "scum" of the earth. They both need Jesus to die for them.
So, I think we should try to look past the exterior and simply love others the same way Jesus loves us. The way I see it, that means hanging out with "scum" on occasion. Most likely we'll learn more about love, life, and true community than we would hanging out with those who are already good enough anyway..
Just a thought...and something I am working on too. : )
Posted by
Jimmy P
5:21 PM
Everything and anything you want to know about Saban is here.....
Saban introduced at Tide press conference
Nick Saban hyperlinkage
OK, that is it from me for a while on this story. As you can tell, I am pretty excited. People are slicing and dicing this whole thing up about how everything was handled etc....But fact of the matter is, we have seriously upgraded the coaching talent with this hire.
We are determined to put a winning program together. I am excited for our players and for our fans!
Posted by
Jimmy P
5:03 PM
Looks like we got us a coach!!
“I am pleased and proud to announce that Nick Saban is the new head football coach at The University of Alabama,” Moore said in a release to the media. “When I set out on this search, I noted that I was seeking a coach who has a proven record of championship success and achievement. Coach Saban brings that proven record of accomplishment and leadership to our program.
“The hiring of Coach Saban signifies a new era of Crimson Tide football and affirms our commitment to provide our student-athletes and fans with a leader who will continue our commitment to excellence across the board.”
Posted by
Jimmy P
5:18 PM
I really want to try this, it's pretty cool. These guys can't have full time jobs.
Posted by
Jimmy P
9:23 PM
Looks like Saban will announce his decision tomorrow morning...
My feeling is that he will come to Bama. Let's hope everything works out - he will be a big win for us.
Posted by
Jimmy P
5:19 PM
Looks like we will know if Saban really is going to be our coach within the next 48 hours....
Posted by
Jimmy P
10:03 AM
Jimmy P's best of 2006:
Best overall moment of the year May 24th
We closed on our new house this day. As we were moving in, Lauran told me we were having a baby! A day I will always cherish!
Best TV show American Idol 06
This was a tough one b/c Lost is so good. But how can you not give the edge to watching Birmingham's own Taylor Hicks take home the crown.
Best movie Casino Royal
It's one of the best - if not the best Bond movie I have ever seen.
Best Book I read Blue Like Jazz
Donald Miller is such a good writer. Blue Like Jazz is simply a guy putting together his real life thoughts, doubts, ideas, and lessons learned about God. An excellent read.
Best Sports Moment 1st Annual Webster v. Parsons Kickball Game
As you can tell by my winner, Alabama football had a forgettable season! However, the Webster v Parsons kickball game was quite the matchup. An excellent inaugrual match with the Webster's pulling out the victory with last inning heroics.
Best Song I heard for the first time Marvelous Light - Charlie Hall
I am not sure when this song was first released, but it is a keeper. It is on his new album, Flying Into Daybreak.
Best Lesson I heard The Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men, and he gives them to whoever he wishes. - Andy Stanley
Andy opened up Catalyst this year with an incredible lesson on leadership. His point was that any leadership we have is given to us by God. It is a stewardship that is temporary and can be taken away; we are always accountable. Daniel 4 and 5.
Best area of personal growth Trust
I am learning to just calm down, and trust that God knows what he is doing. Life is much more enjoyable for me when I accept that.
Posted by
Jimmy P
8:58 AM
Treadmills and dancing!
Wonder how many takes these guys had....
Posted by
Jimmy P
3:58 PM
One of the reasons for this blog is to give the youth we teach a place to recap the lesson and ask questions or give comments. So, every Sunday afternoon - we will post a "lesson recap". All lessons are crafted around one principal, value, or statment that we emphasize. Every lesson also comes with a something you can do. Feel free to read and comment on these even if you are not part of the youth group.
Below is the first recap: (Luke 3:2-14)
>"Turn from your sins, and turn to God, because the kingdom of heaven is near". Not a very popular saying huh? Who wants to have someone tell them how they should act? Who wants to hear that the way they are living is wrong? Not me. Not most people. Everytime I hear that type of teaching, it reminds me of those "fire and brimstone" small country church preachers who change their voices when they get up on the potium. You know the ole.."GOD SHALL BRING JUDGEMENT UPON THEE WITH FIRE AND GNASHING OF TEETH" type stuff. Man did I ever tune that out.
Can't we just have the part about Jesus forgives? Can't I live how I want to live and pull the Jesus card out when I get into trouble or am ready to go to heaven? I mean there is fun in living this way and all this statement does is take the "living out of life" - right? Why should I "turn"? Good questions. I think we can find some answers in this passage.
Starting in verse 8 John says, "Prove by the way you live that you have really turned to from your sins and turned to God. Don't just say, 'We're safe - we're the descendants of Abraham.' That proves nothing." In other words, there may not be safety in living in outright rebellion to God - no matter how much you go to church, know your Bible history, or perform your churchy rituals. (It is interesting to note that John is speaking to church people here)
We discussed two types of danger we can find ourselves in by living this way.
1) The obvious danger sin can bring. Things like addiction, guilt, shame, etc.
2) The eternal danger we don't think about. If I have this "can't I live how I want to live" attitude, then do I really know Jesus and does he have my back? Now, don't get mad, it's a serious question to consider.
So, what should we do? Those who heard this message firsthand had the same question. (See verses 11-14) John's answers were applicable to the people who asked him. To the corrupt tax collector, he said be honest. To the crooked soldier, he said stop extorting. So our answers should be applicable to us.
What are we into that we shouldn't be? Cheating on tests? Drugs? Gossip? Sexual sins? We focused on 5 things to turn from that we could possibly get into at this stage in life and discussed what to turn to.
- Physical pleasure (sex, drugs, drunkeness) turn to purity.
- Lying, cheating, stealing turn to honesty.
- Gossip or judging others turn to celebration (public encouragement).
- Disobeying authorities (parents, teachers) turn submission.
- Selfishness turn to serving others.
Next we handed out this simple prayer on a card to help:
Lord, please help me turn. I love you more than I love (cheating) I don't want to compromise my character for (this one cheat)
Finally, why? Why should I consider turning or changing my ways?
There really is a good reason that makes this principal not so hard to enjoy. "Turn from your sins, and turn to God, because the kingdom of heaven is near". Yes, the kingdom of heaven is near. Things like peace, joy, forgiveness, love, acceptance, purity, kindness, honesty, wholeness, and purpose are all near. These are the things we are all trying to obtain anyway. With this principal, God is trying to tell us is that we are going about it the wrong way. Just a little turn is all we need to find out what the "living" in life is really like.
As C.S. Lewis stated, "We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."
So, that's your recap and your one principal: "Turn from your sins, and turn to God because the kingdom of heaven is near."
Posted by
Jimmy P
2:01 PM