Saturday, July 12, 2008


do you know what i struggle with?

connecting. connecting with people. i used to be able to connect with people. and was good at it. i could laugh, talk, entertain, enjoyed meeting new people, etc. you know connect. i could go deep, i could stay shallow. i could connect.

i can't anymore. am i too busy? selfish? tired? too old? uninteresting?

who knows?

it's too important though, to stop trying to connect with people. we need each other.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i've been thinking about this post for awhile now. and it is harder to connect with people at times...harder either because of our limitations and expectations or others, i guess.
but i remember some advice you gave me when we were both going through relationships ending. you told me not to close up and close myself off from others. i still remember that...and i am still encouraged not to do so. may you be encouraged not to do so as well because we do need people, we do need relationships...we cannot go it alone.