Thursday, April 12, 2007


I woke up this morning at my now usual 4:30 AM time. Fed Elizabeth Anne, put her back in the crib, made some coffee, read my Bible, and ate breakfast.

Then at 6:00 AM, it's wake up time for everyone, including Chase.

I am not kidding when I say from 4:30 to 6:00, Elizabeth Anne grew! I am telling you her head was bigger!!

Or maybe it was the coffee...

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Lesson Recap - Drift or Grow?

Today we discussed Mark 4:1-20

What do we do with God's message? The message that Jesus died for us so that we can know Him? Well, we either drift away or grow toward.

Jesus explains in a story about seed and soil how people sometimes respond when hearing God's message. They either drift or grow.

We talked about what causes someone to drift:

1) Unwillingness to give up things that you know are wrong. (footpath)
2) Hardships and/or being made fun of for your faith. (shallow soil)
3) Desire for things that won't last. (thorns)

All three things distract you and can result in you drifting from God. So how can we combat them? What helps us grow?

1) Confession and Obedience combats unwillingness to give up sin.
2) Nourishment combats the hardships. Reading the Bible and praying deepen your "roots" or relationship with God.
3) Generosity and Service combats unhealthy desires for things that won't last.

The question is....Are you drifting or growing? Are there things listed above you need to think about and/or do to stop drifting and start growing?

The ultimate result is a life of "fruit". A change in your character, and a change in the way you influence those around you.