Friday, May 18, 2007

100 Movie Quote Countdown

This is pretty cool. 100 quotes, 100 numbers...

See how many movies you recognize!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Last night we had TWO...count them...TWO big firsts!!

We had our first all out belly laugh and squeal! Elizabeth Anne and I were chasing our dog. She squealed with delight and laughter. We are going to try and video it and have it up here soon.

She had so much fun that she decided to sleep compeletely through the night for the first time!! Woohoo!

You know you are offically a DAD when these two events are THE most incredible things that happen to you and are all you can talk about to your co-workers the next day.

But you know...watching this little girl grow up and develop is absolutely remarkable.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Treat yo momma right!