Saturday, January 5, 2008

Elizabeth Anne laughing at Daddy

Although the lighting is not good, this is my favorite video of us. I got her laughing at me so hard she had tears in her eyes.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Little Things

She makes me read her books over and over and over, I don't mind

She sings along with Snoopy her ABC's

She can throw a ball, a bow, a brush, a remote, food, my cell phone, .....

She dances

She cuddles with me when we watch her Baby Einsten DVD

She claps and waves bye-bye

She points things out to me and tells me what they are - hey, she knows what she is saying

She pulls out Chase's hair and hands it to me

She tries to say Thank You

She sleeps with her knees tucked under her stomach

She giggles at me when I chase after her

She likes to run when I stand her up and hold her hands

She turns her head sideways and down when I say "aaawwwww"

She ALWAYS smiles for the camera

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

So I have started blogging again..

Wow.. 4 months and not one post. Frankly, I just got tired of it. But I have decided to start blogging again.

Not because of my HUGE fan base (all 10 of you), but simply because I hope my children will read this one day.

Little things happen every day with Elizabeth Anne that I know I will forget one day and this is the best way to capture those memories.

I will start catching up on those later, but for now take a look at how my little girl has grown!

Since my last post (when she was 7 months), she is now eating real food, crawling with ease, pulling up, cruising on her own, pointing out familiar objects (cup, apple, dog, etc), and bossing me around!

Time is flying.