Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Pain - part 2

My little girl took four, that's right, four shots in the thigh yesterday!

They hurt. She took them gracefully, tears, bottom lip poking out, eyes looking up at me saying..."How could you Daddy?"

She was a little sick the rest of the day, but got a bundle of roses and a balloon that afternoon. And a bunch of hugs and kisses..

I hate shots.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Pain - part 1

Yesterday I was about to start feeding Elizabeth Anne and accidently poked her in the eye! (I could you Dad!)

I poked.

She hesitated. Looked up at me. Pushed her bottom lip out. Turned her mouth into an upside-down U. Pushed her lip out further. Turned Red. And allowed Daddy to soak in what he did.

Then after about 20-30 seconds let out a big cry, tears and all.

I held her and she was ok after a little bit of crying. Daddy felt terrible.

Needless to say, there is more pain on the way for my little girl. She has shots on Tuesday. I am prepared for more of the bottom lip and tears. And more of the feeling terrible!