Sunday, January 7, 2007

What is Baptism all about???

Today's lesson was on Baptism. What is it all about? What does it really mean? Why should I consider it? Read Luke 3:1-22

The best lesson I have ever heard on the subject was done about a year ago by Andy Stanley: Baptism - What's the Big Deal? (The inspriation for this lesson)

Quick Summary
- You will find many churches do it differently.
- Scripture should be the authority on this and not the traditions of the church.
- The word baptizo (Greek) means to wash, dip, immerse. It was a common word.
- Baptism is a public declaration of a new association
- Baptism for us means that we are publically associating ourselves with Jesus and his message.

If you have never been "washed" - my suggestion is to at least think about it.
Take these two steps in your investigation:
1) Listen to Andy's message linked above.
2) Talk to your local church, and if you are ready - then take the plunge!

We would love to hear stories or comments and invite anyone to share their past or upcoming experiences.

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